Monday, December 18, 2006


Processing without brackets ...
Very beautiful, very powerful.
NodeBox NodeBox
NodeBox is free open-source software and comes bundled with its source code.

Python Powered Python Powered

In NodeBox, you design with programming code, with language. NodeBox uses Python programming code which is easy to understand even for non-programmers.
Illustrator Import Illustrator Import

NodeBox integrates effortlessly with various document formats. In NodeBox, you can include your vector images from Adobe Illustrator.
  • PDF Export PDF Export
  • The visual output you create in NodeBox exports to a PDF-document. You can automatically export multiple PDF-documents from the same script, and control the layout of each page individually.
  • Quicktime Export QuickTime Export
  • Aside from PDF-documents you can create animation in NodeBox as well. Animations can be exported as QuickTime movies that can be displayed on web pages.

NodeBox comes well documented:

* a reference containing a detailed description of each NodeBox command
* a tutorial with various techniques and examples to get you started
* a library with a wealth of packages to extend NodeBox's capabilities
* a gallery of examples.