Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Eye-Fi Wireless SD Card

Eye-Fi Wireless SD Card

What's the Deal: I've been told technology makes life easier. But ...my life hasn't become easier; it's just become overwhelmingly involved.

Then I stumbled upon the Eye-Fi card. Here's a device everyone uses, an SD card, that actually takes work out of my day. Rather than providing me a "more efficient method" (as so many products and services pitch) of transferring photos from a digital camera to my computer, it provides me with nothing. That is, it does everything for me, completely removing the procedure from my life.

I plug the Eye-Fi dongle into my PC (or Mac) and configure a few settings: Where I want my photos saved, the website I want them uploaded to, etc. I then put the Eye-Fi card into my camera and take photos as I always do. It functions as a normal SD card with no problems and no fine print. As soon as the camera gets within range of a Wi-Fi network, it automatically begins transferring the photos on the card to my computer and my Flickr account. It easily handles full-resolution, huge JPEG files and automatically resizes them, if required, by sites such as Facebook.

I don't even have to be on my home network because it sends the photos to my personal Web-based Eye-Fi account and then pings them over to my computer. If I turn off my camera before all the photos are transferred or my computer isn't on, the photos are queued in my Eye-Fi account and sent when everything is golden. They are then deleted from my Eye-Fi account once successfully transferred, so there are no worries about my pictures being anywhere they shouldn't be. The only time I need the dongle is when I want to change the card's settings.

I now have one less thing on my daily to-do list and I didn't replace it with a "more efficient" task. It's just gone-crossed out. How many times has a friend said they'll put a photo of you online so you can have a copy, and somehow it never happens? They either forget or it sits on their camera for three months until they get around to transferring it. By then they've forgotten to send you a copy. With Eye-Fi your Edward Fortyhands photo is online the minute they get home-literally.