Saturday, July 18, 2009

SketchUp Plugins: Creating Tensile Like Structures - CAD Addict

SketchUp Plugins: Creating Tensile Like Structures - CAD Addict

SketchUp Plugins: Creating Tensile Like Structures

Learn about a Plugin that will allow you too create Curved Tensile-like surfaces.
CatalĂ  - Castellano
Soap Skin Bubble is a Plugin developed by Josef Leibinger intended to represent tensile like structures.
The truth is that as you will learn with some practice, it is a tool to create almost any curved surface based on it´s profiles. THe plugin includes a Flash animation that I am includingbelow and that quickly shows some of the features of this Plugin.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CenterLines #229

CenterLines #229


-> According to the June 4th Transportation Alternatives' StreetBeat, "New data now reveals that there are 185,000 daily cyclists in New York City, an increase of more than one third from just four years ago. This staggering surge is not only a testament to the infrastructure improvements that have been implemented in the last couple of years, but also a contributing factor to the increased safety of cyclists throughout the city.

"It's a well established fact that for bikers there is safety in numbers. With more cyclists out and about, more drivers are accustomed to sharing the road. In fact, cycling in New York City is safer now than it has been at any time in recent memory, so spread the word and hit the streets..."


Smart Growth America

Smart Growth America
New report: 120 days of stimulus spending
Within the $787 billion stimulus bill that became law in February, Congress provided states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) with $26.6 billion in flexible funds for transportation projects. The first half of the funding was to be committed within 120 days, by Monday, June 29th.

Despite a multitrillion dollar backlog of roadway and bridge repairs throughout the

country, almost a third of the money — more than $6.6 billion — was committed to new

capacity roads and bridges rather than to repair and other preservation projects.

The nation is growing, and many areas need substantial improvements in connectivity. Many

places will need additional roadway capacity. However, given the enormous roadway and

bridge repair backlog, its costs in terms of vehicle repairs, its threat to human safety, and the

job‐creation advantages of roadway preservation projects, this magnitude of new

construction cannot said to be fulfilling the goals of the ARRA.

2. States generally failed to take advantage of a golden opportunity offered by the flexibility

in the STP to make progress on the huge public transportation backlog, and move

towards a more balanced transportation system.

Given the growing demand, the need for upgrading identified in the ASCE report, and the many

benefits of public transportation, the $189 million in STP funding allocated by the states so

far is grossly inadequate. Even when the dedicated, non‐STP funding for public transportation

is taken into consideration, commitments to transportation choice fall far short of the need.

The $600 million in STP funding commitments to non‐motorized transportation is better, but

also fails to meaningfully respond to the public’s need for more affordable and healthy

transportation options. This level of spending for bicycling and walking will have minimal

impact on the nation’s stock of bicycle and pedestrian routes, or on individual mobility.

3. We could get much more from our transportation spending, but the federal program

isn’t set up to ensure that we get the most from the money spent. With scarce resources,

large backlogs and increasing challenges, it’s an opportunity we can’t afford to waste.

The data make clear that with different funding choices, greater progress could have been

made combating climate change, increasing energy security, increasing mobility for elderly

and low income populations, and reducing the repair backlog. More jobs could have been

created, more quickly. However, the federal transportation program does not clearly

articulate what goals should be achieved with each tax dollar spent, nor how to compare

different spending options against those goals, nor how to ensure progress towards meeting

them. The result is wasted opportunity and money.

CenterLines #231

CenterLines #231


-> According to an article in the July issue of Travel + Leisure, "The humble bicycle has been seeing a resurgence with commuters and city dwellers around the world. From Amsterdam to Perth, Australia, people bank on the premise of bicycles as low polluting, cost effective, and a healthy way to move about. They're also faster than cars in many cities...

"For travelers, bikes offer an intimate way to see a city. You can coast along a canal in Amsterdam, or pedal uphill for arguably the best view in Montreal on the twisting road in Parc du Mont-Royal. In Paris, grab one of the 20,000 vehicles available at the Velib bike-rental stations around the city, which rent for less than $1.50 an hour. Checkout stations around the metropolis -- more than 1,000 in all—put a bike close by at all times...

"From the U.S. to Australia, across Europe and down in South America, people are choosing pedals instead of a car as the most efficient means to get around. So whether your plans include seeing the world on two wheels or just getting across town, read on for our list of the world's best biking cities and our tips on where to rent..."

The magazine's list of the top 10 bicycling cities include: Copenhagen, Portland (OR), Munich, Montreal, Perth, Amsterdam, Seattle, Paris, Minneapolis, and Bogota.

Archive search: use "Search" window
Archive cost: No
Title: "The World's Top Biking Cities"
Author: Stephen Regenold

Flatless Tires

Friday, July 03, 2009