Thursday, July 16, 2009

CenterLines #231

CenterLines #231


-> According to an article in the July issue of Travel + Leisure, "The humble bicycle has been seeing a resurgence with commuters and city dwellers around the world. From Amsterdam to Perth, Australia, people bank on the premise of bicycles as low polluting, cost effective, and a healthy way to move about. They're also faster than cars in many cities...

"For travelers, bikes offer an intimate way to see a city. You can coast along a canal in Amsterdam, or pedal uphill for arguably the best view in Montreal on the twisting road in Parc du Mont-Royal. In Paris, grab one of the 20,000 vehicles available at the Velib bike-rental stations around the city, which rent for less than $1.50 an hour. Checkout stations around the metropolis -- more than 1,000 in all—put a bike close by at all times...

"From the U.S. to Australia, across Europe and down in South America, people are choosing pedals instead of a car as the most efficient means to get around. So whether your plans include seeing the world on two wheels or just getting across town, read on for our list of the world's best biking cities and our tips on where to rent..."

The magazine's list of the top 10 bicycling cities include: Copenhagen, Portland (OR), Munich, Montreal, Perth, Amsterdam, Seattle, Paris, Minneapolis, and Bogota.

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Title: "The World's Top Biking Cities"
Author: Stephen Regenold