The Alliance for Biking & Walking will award a total of $250,000 in
2009. Advocacy Advance Grants will range from $5,000–$30,000.
Approximately $125,000 will be available for Round 1 and another
$125,000 in Round 2. Each round will include a balance of Start-up and
Innovation Grants. The Alliance’s ability to award grants is dependent
upon receipt of the support pledged for this program.
Start-up / Capacity Building Grant Funding Priorities
These grants are to help catapult emerging and developing organizations with matching challenge grants. Awards of $5,000–$30,000 will match dollar for dollar new funds raised within six months. These funds are to help leverage private and public investment and launch campaigns that are proven to grow bicycling and walking. Priority for Start-up Grants will be given to organizations serving cities and states with the greatest potential for biking and walking advocacy organizations. Funding may be used to develop staff, membership, and resources to reach target outcomes that both support an increase in biking and walking and sustain the organization. Advance funding will be considered, but the majority of funding will be paid when funds have been raised and/or pledges have been committed in writing.
Innovation Grant Funding Priorities
These grants are intended to help organizations take bold steps to
increase bicycling, walking, and safety. These grants can be used to
fund activities that will:
- Yield new sources of funding for biking and walking (e.g. new revenue streams and old programs that are ripe for change)
- Spur groundbreaking designs (e.g. Euro designs, reprogramming of streets space)
- Create innovative marketing and encouragement programs (e.g. new media, new audiences, social marketing)
- Develop cause-related marketing and mainstream partnerships (e.g. transit, seniors, health, business)
- Improve, expand or extend an existing program that promises further success
goal is to create successful models that can spread throughout North
America. Priority for Innovation Grants will be given to established
organizations who demonstrate a clear work plan to develop and freely
share their innovative program. Grants from $5,000–$30,000 will be
awarded for winning proposals. Matching funds and over-matches are
encouraged and will be evaluated favorably.
Advocacy Advance Grants Round 2:
- Deadline for Inquiry Application: August 26, 2009
- Inquiry Applicant Notification: September 11, 2009
- Deadline for Full Proposal: October 13, 2009
- Applicant Notification: October 30, 2009
In exceptional circumstances, grant applications outside the official grant rounds will be considered. Contact Chanda for more details.
Applications must be complete and all attachments e-mailed to grants@PeoplePoweredMovement.org by the deadline date. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. If you have questions or need help with your application, do not wait until the last minute to contact the Alliance staff.