Sunday, June 03, 2007

The All-Seeing Eye - March, 2007

The All-Seeing Eye - March, 2007:

Free OmniMap API beta now available
Beta testers needs for OpenGL dome-correction libraries

Want to dome-enable your real-time OpenGL application? The OmniMap™ Geometry Correction Library API provides developers with an easy-to-integrate solution to make real-time OpenGL applications compatible with OmniFocus ™ projection systems. It takes advantage of the latest accelerated graphics hardware and OpenGL 2.0 extensions to increase performance over previous geometry correction software solutions.

We've been working hard to streamline and optimize the OmniMap API, and we're now releasing the public beta so you can kick the tires. If you're interested in participating in the beta program, please download OmniMap and let us know what you think. OmniMap is made available free of charge for application developers to dome-enable any OpenGL application.